Whenever possible we like to make improvements to our products. Sometimes these stem from better manufacturing processes, and sometimes they're the direct result of customer feedback and suggestions - which we're always keen to hear!
Several of these enhancements are shown below on our LCD1000 units (which are based on the Aspen EFD1000) ...
Adjustable backlighting
The button back-lighting in these units can now be set by the user at any time, and the selected brightness will be saved in memory. The saved brightness setting will even be used after the unit has been turned off.
It's a simple process to perform:
Press the BRG1 and BRG2 buttons at the same time to enter the brightness setting routine.
Press the BRG2 button to increase the brightness.
Press the BRG1 button to decrease the brightness.
When satisfied with the brightness, press the CDI button and the setting will be saved.
More accurately profiled knobs
As shown below, the knobs are now subtly tapered to better reflect the real ones.