
Showing posts with label Embraer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embraer. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Embraer Panels

This has been a long-term project that we've been working on for a customer who's thankfully been very patient, which has allowed us to employ new and much better techniques along the way, resulting in a much tidier end product than might otherwise have been the case.

By way of disclaimer, these three separate panels were designed around a combination of measurements that were provided to us by our customer (he has a real Embraer cockpit already populated with a lot of real parts), various online images, screenshots, and several dimensioned sketches.

The Altitude and Airspeed Panel

This panel has been temporarily connected on our test bench to show the colour of the digits. The pushbuttons would normally be backlit as well, although in this particular photo they aren't. This was simply a first fitting to verify that all of the basics are okay - fully interfacing it all is the next step. The panel will eventually be interfaced using our own input and output boards.

The Flight Mode Selector Panel

It's a little difficult to see in the photo, but this panel has some fancy newly-designed pushbutton heads, all of which are subtly backlit with a bright white. The 'Test' pushbutton is actually only a dummy, but the rest of the unit will be fully interfaced with our customer's program. 
There are still a couple of minor light bleed issues to be remedied here, but in general terms we're pretty happy with the result.

The CRS/HDG/Vertical Speed Panel

A mercifully simple panel really, and again, this panel will be fully interfaced. You might just be able to make out the 2-way header for the backlighting in the third photo down, which exits from the built-in backlighting PCB.