
Showing posts with label Inertial Reference System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inertial Reference System. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2012

Operational Boeing IRS Panel

This is one of our latest products, an operating simulation 
of the IRS display panel used in Boeing aircraft.

The panel is 146mm wide and 114mm high, with the mounting holes 
(through dummy Dzus fasteners) in the correct positions.

The display window is 118mm wide and 15mm high, and shows N/S and 5 digits, 
and E/W and 6 digits. Small dots show the delineation between Degrees, Minutes, 
and Decimal Minutes, and the data is updated every second.

The DSPL SEL switch alters the display to show the appropriate data :
TEST Checks no digits have failed
TK/GS - Track and Ground Speed
PPOS - Present Position
WIND - Wind Direction and Speed
HDG/STS - Heading and Status

 The Keypad is a dummy feature only, as it is currently not possible 
to set the aircraft's position in this manner from within FS9 (or FSX)

The SYS DSPL switch is also dummy only, as most 
simulators don't have two redundant IRS systems.

The IRS panel is connected to our driver board with ribbon cables (shown to the right), 
and the board connects to the Flight Simulator PC via USB. The board needs 
5Volts DC to power it, and as we normally use a Computer Power Supply, 
we have already fitted the appropriate socket on the board.

The supplied software is simple to install, and the 
USB drivers for the board are supplied as well.

Below a short video from our YouTube channel describing some of its operation:

Purchasing details for this products can be found here