
Showing posts with label GMA340. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMA340. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Replica GMA340 Panel

This replica GMA340 audio unit was one of several components that we supplied for the pedestal unit that accompanied the AS350 job, which was previously written about here

As with all of our panels, the buttons are backlit.

Although there's no evidence of the dual encoders on the circuit board (shown below), these were both actually fitted directly to the main panel and wired directly from there. This isn't the ideal way of doing things of course, but there was a limited amount of space to work with - and so this was the solution.

The circuit board itself was designed to be as universal as possible - the wires were just taken away from the headers to the I/O controller that our customer was interfacing with. 

This audio panel could also be incorporated alongside one of our intercom systems.