
Showing posts with label Pedestal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pedestal. Show all posts

Friday, July 05, 2024

B200 Pedestal Unit

 A few quick photos of our latest B200 Pedestal Unit ...

Replica Pro Line Fusion Console Controls

Designed to emulate the Pro Line Fusion Console Controls, our PL-F Pedestal Assembly comes equipped with two Cursor Control Panels (CCP), a Multi-Function Keypad Panel (MKP), dual BARO Single Knob Panels, and a set of two TILT Single Knob Panels (SKP).

This complete module package includes dual controllers—one specifically for the MKP and another for the operation of the CCPs and SKPs.

Communication with the flight simulator is made possible through FSUIPC macros, requiring a valid FSUIPC license. Users have the freedom to generate customised macros for button and encoder interfacing. Technical details for serial port connections and command outputs are available upon request for those interested in crafting their own software solutions.

Monday, March 07, 2022

Fusion Pedestal for King Air B350

As we've been documenting in the past few posts, here's the finished and fully-assembled pedestal panel that we recently completed for a King Air B350 simulator.

And a quick shot of the pedestal prior to painting and engraving etc.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Fusion-style CCP Panels for the B350

And so this is the second panel that we've designed for the King Air B350 pedestal unit that's based on the Pro Line Fusion range of hardware.

There's a pair of these to be found on the pedestal plate: one either side of the MKP (which we've also just completed, and which will be posted here shortly) ...


The large TAB knobs are all CNC-machined from acrylic, which gives them a nice solid feel.

The TAB knob operates a four-directional hat switch, that's also a single encoder, and which has a pushbutton action too. Unfortunately we weren't able to replicate the exact functionality of the real unit, as this actually calls for a dual encoder/hat switch combination - and with eight directions as well!

We tried our best to find a solution - one involving all sorts of internal gears that required the mounting of an additional hidden encoder - but in the end we were unfortunately forced to realise our limitations. Our solution actually got pretty close to working, but was nowhere near reliable enough to run with. Instead, the two separate TAB knobs are effectively one, as they're both mounted to the hat switch, albiet individually.

In the above image, you can see some remnants of our attempt at producing a makeshift dual-encoder hat switch, as this originally required a second hardware PCB (not shown) that would be positioned on a set of stand-offs which would then be mounted on the rear of the circuit board that you see here. So there's a lot of superfluous circuitry on display - not all of which can be explained by what's seen from the front!

The panel's backlighting, and that of the buttonheads, runs on 12V.

Monday, June 15, 2020

C206 Pedestal Unit

This C206 Pedestal Unit was supplied along with the main instrument panel that was written about in an earlier post, here.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Citation Mustang - Pedestal Panel

This is a Trim & Emergency Gear Release Panel that's destined for a Cessna Citation Mustang simulator.

The Aileron Trim Knob can be rotated to momentarily activate either L Wing Down or R Wing Down via a centre-spring mechansim and a couple of microswitches. You can see this being operated in the following short video clip ...

As seen in the clip above, unlike the real aircraft, the split switch for the Rudder Trim is only designed to 'look' like two separate switches; it's actually mounted on the same centre-biased switch.

As with the majority of our panels, it's fully backlit. The lighting on this particular panel is being run on 12V.

The following photos are of the Emergency Gear Release Pull Lever that the two arrows refer to on the lower portion of the panel itself.

The handle has been fitted to pull on/pull off switch, to allow some functionality.

And here's one of the images that we used as a reference for the design of the panel ...